Rabu, 04 November 2015


The agent of change is someone who influence other people to be better than before. Because, now we stay in Pare, we are going to explain how the way to be Agent of Change in Pare. First, we look for the problem which will we solve and we have to start from our self and influence people who close with us, like friends, bestfriend, boyfriend, girlfriend, students or teachers and they will do the same thing to the others people. From one branch spread to ten branch, from ten branch spread to one hundred branch, from one hundred branch spread to one thousand branch and finally, all people in Pare will do it. We will give you example the real action from the small thing. The problem that we take is so many rubbish in as long as Pare’s street. The first action from our self, if you find the rubbish anywhere you are, just take it and throw to garbage can. You can start from your course and camp. When you find the rubbish in your courses or camp, take it and tell qoute to your friend, like “Annadzofatul minal imaan”, “Baity jannaty”, or anything you want. And then, your friend will think to do it also. And the other way, you can make sign in every place with the qoute, “clean area”, “keep clean please!” and you can put garbage can in each corner that so many people there. There you are. You can to be the Agent of Change from the small things

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