Rabu, 02 September 2015

Teks Menjadi MC satu atau dua orang

Assalamu’alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokaatuh.......
Good evening ladies and gentlemen... How are you today...???
Exellency            : Mr.AZ as the directur of Faster English
Exellency            : Mr.Ranggadani Aditya as the manager of Faster English
Respectable        : All Teachers in Faster English Course.
And Our Lovely  : all friends who Handsome and Beautiful and whom i love and who loves me.. J
Firstly, let’s thank to ALLAH SWT, the lord of the world, who has giving mercies and blessing, until we can meet in this place in Internasional Publik Speaking without any troubles ang obstales.
Secondly, sholawat and salam always be given to our propet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness, from stupidly era to cleverness.

We are standing here to be Master of Ceremony, my name is Mutiara Angel and my friend is Nurul Amirah. I would like to tell you about our agenda.
The first is Opening
The second is Speech
The third is comentar
And the last is closing

               Oke, the first program is opening, let’s open our program by reciting “Basmalah” together.
               The is speech from some speaker. Here we go our first speaker, he is the most handsome guy in the world from London! Give abig hand for mr.Ariq Fakhruddin.

Wow, big thank for mr.Ariq. you have a wonderful story. Once more give a big hand for mr.Ariq.

               The second speaker is someone who most clever and cute, he was come from Singapura ride pink bicycle. Give a big hand for mr.Yasir Fahman.

Owh... thank you so much mr.Yasir Fahman... may your speech be usefull for us.

               Next, before we continue speech. We will see entertainment first from Prince Charles and Princess Diana who come from England.  Ok, prince Charles and Princess Diana, Show your the Best please....

HAHAHA... Wow, i don’t believe it. Prince Charles and Princess Diana can make joke and we all laugh. Thank you so much Prince Charles and Princess Diana. You are the best soulmate in this place.

               And third and the last speaker the woman who came from Menteng. I hear that woman was Obama’s exgirlfriend when Obama in the Menteng. But, better left unsaid, that’s their problem. Okey, show your best... Ms.Rida Asri.

               Thanks a lot... ms.Rida Asri. I feel very melting. Your story awake me that ALLAH’S plans better than our plans. We plan our life, and ALLAH fixs it.

               Okey, and the last agenda is comentar. Please to our Teacher give comentar about our showed last time.
Thanks on coment from our teacher, may your coment be usefull for us.

In the end of this Great Internasional Publik Speaking, wish can get more knowledge and advantages. And let’s close our program by riceting “hamdalah” together.

Pardon us please...if you find any mistakes, those all from our weakness. I’m Mutiara Angel. And I’m Nurul Amirah.Thank you very much for your nice attention, and the last i say....  Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb... J